I'm watching the re-run of the second presidential debate right now. It's sort of interesting watching the debate right after listening to the experts, news people, random people, undecided voters, and everybody else debate the debate on the post debate discussions.
We're on the second question now. It's from Oliver Clark, he asked about the bailout, what does it actually do?
McCain is talking about how he left his campaign suspended and went to Washington to make sure that tax payers were covered, and how Fanny May and Freddy Mac made lots of risky loans with encouragement from Obama and his 'cronies' or friends. This rescue package means that they will stabilize the market, they'll buy up the bad mortgages. Ect. . .
Obama is talking about how the credit market is failing and how companies can't get loans at the moment. They will have to cut jobs and stuff because they can't get enough money through loans. That's why they had to take action and set up the bailout. The biggest factor in the economy problem was the deregulation. Obama is saying how he wrote to people in Washington and said they had to deal with it and nothing happened while McCain said they should keep deregulating.
Blah blah blah. . . the candidates were just asked if they thought if the economy would get worse before it got better but neither of them are answering. They just go off into their speeches that they've said a hundred times before. . .
Somebody just asked something along the lines of "Why should we trust you with our money?"
Obama is going off on a Bush-was-really-bad speech. Now he's talking about making investments in college, independent energy, and stuff.
McCain, ". . .The system in Washington is broken. . ." and then he starts boasting about his bipartisan record, and saying how Obama doesn't have a good record. He's saying how he has a good record while Obama voted for earmarks, and extravagant spending, and stuff. wow, he mentioned energy independence too. But then he said offshore drilling, and nuclear energy.
The moderator just reminded them to keep on track with time. And the next question is what will be your order in terms of priorities for Health Care, Energy Independence, and Entitlements.
McCain is answering first and he says he will work on all three at the same time. Then some more classic lines. But he's pretty sure he can do all three at once, and he said we have to do all of them at once.
Obama said we (as a country) have to prioritize just like a family has too. Energy has to be at the top of the list he said because not only do high gas prices hurt the average person, it is also a security problem because some of the money going towards foreign oil is going to countries who aren't friendly towards the U.S. Next Obama said was Health Care. Now he's going back at McCain about the earmark thing. Throw mud, throw mud. . . .
As president what sacrifices will you ask the American people to make?
McCain: we will have to eliminate some programs. Defense spending is one example. "I believe we have to eliminate the earmarks." Spending is going to be cut, he recommends a spending freeze except for veterans programs.
Obama: "A lot of you remember the tragedy of 9/11..." how the country was able to come together. There is going to be the need for each person to think of how they use energy. Including offshore drilling?? (Not sure I like that) Obama said that each of us should start thinking about how we use energy. Make cars, business more energy efficient. Young people are eager to be involved. Military family families shouldn't bear the full burden of the country.
The debate is going on. I'm not really hearing anything new. Townhall is an interesting format. The candidates have chairs on the stage but when they talk, they usually get up and walk around talking to various members of the silent audience. It's definitely different from them just standing behind a lecturn.
Btw, McCain keeps saying "my friends" it's sort of getting on my nerves. And just so my critisism is spread around, Obama's tie loks sort of strange. Is it supposed to be blue, gray or purple? I can't tell.
It's getting late, I'm going to keep watching but I'm getting really sleepy. . . .