Friday, September 5, 2008

The End of the World is Coming!! Actually no it's not, don't panic

Several years ago I watched a program on PBS about string theory. String theory is a still in the works approach to theoretical physics. It's based on the idea that all matter is made up of tiny tiny string like particles. It is very, very confusing and I certainly don't claim to understand it. But while I was watching the show there was a brief mention of a project by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Scientists were building a giant particle accelerator called the Large Hadron Collidor (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. It shoots beams of protons around a 17-mile underground track where they collide with each other supposedly recreating the immediate aftereffects of the Bing Bang. The scientists monitor the debris to learn more about the origin and workings of the universe. 

At the time I thought it was a crazy but cool idea. They weren't done building it yet so I sort of forgot about it. Now however, it's done! The scientists are planning to start shooting proton beams on September 10th. 

Among critics of the project there is fear that the high energy experiment could form a mini black hole that would expand large enough to swallow the earth! There were last minute appeals to court to stop the project and so on. There was an article in Britain's Sun newspaper about it on Sep. 1st with the title "End of the World Due in 9 Days"

However in June CERN released a report that stated that even if a black hole was to be formed it would immediately evaporate due to Hawking Radiation (even though black holes swallow up matter and light they also leak it out faster than they can swallow). And CERN scientists say that this kind of collision happens thousands of times a day when cosmic rays collide with the earth and other objects in space.

So I believe that we needn't fear the world will end on September 10th. It will probably take a very long time for the results of this experiment to be analysed and debated and finally released to the public but I'm looking forward to it. And if for some strange reason the world really does end at least I won't have to worry about my SAT testing.

Stats of Switzerland:
  • As of 2007 the life expectancy average was 80.6 years, 77.8 male, 83.6 female
  • It is one of the richest countries in the world
  • Two of its cities, Zurich and Geneva, have been ranked first and second in the highest quality of life in the world
  • 60% of the country is made up of the Alps
  • and they generate 53% of their electricity by hydroelectricity, 42% with nuclear power, and 5% with conventional power sources
 That's all for now,


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