Thursday, October 2, 2008

Politics and Problems

If you watched the Colbert Report on Oct. 1st you'll know what this picture is about

Image from:

The Senate voted on their version of the bailout plan yesterday. As expected it passed. Not only passed but passed by a margin of 74 to 25 and both senators from MN voted for the bailout. There are a bunch of 'sweeteners' added on to the bill to make it more appealing for the house and general public. Sort of a interesting idea. It's like large scale bribery. Anyway. . . the house is going to vote on the bill again tomorrow. It is yet to be determined if the revisions made by the senate will make the bill more appealing to the house.

Speaking of which. I was watching part of the Colbert Report for the first time. It was ridiculously funny. The theme of the day was reporting on the future. How McCain's campaign had released an add saying he won the first presidential debate before the debate actually took place. And various other things like that. I must admit that whoever came up with comedy was a genius.

And tonight is the Vice President's debate. There has been a lot of media hype about it. How Sarah Palin is going through a rough time, how Joe Biden is known for putting his foot in his mouth, etc. Everybody has a different idea of what the candidates should do to each other and behind it all the media people are gleefully dancing around stirring up any little fact they can find and inflating it to epic proportions.
I think it might be anticlimactic given all the attention being paid to it. These people are vice president candidates. They probably don't want to do anything that will reflect badly on their running mate (at least I hope they don't). They probably won't go out and do all sorts of risky things that could easily backfire. At least that's what I think, but I'm hardly an expert.
I will be watching tonight's debate though. If I'm not bored to tears in the first five minutes, I'll probably watch most of it. Hopefully I'll be entertained. Certainly the media will do their best to make this as entertaining as possible, even though that wasn't the original goal of debates.

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